Free Engineering Books

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Electronics and Communications Engineering

Download pdf, e-book, and reviewer for ECE Board Exam subjects; Communications, Electronics, General Engineering and Applied Science and Mathematics.

Electrical Engineering

Download pdf, e-book, and reviewer for EE Board Exam subjects; Electrical Engineering, Engineering and Applied Science and Mathematics.

Civil Engineering

Download pdf, e-book, and reviewer for CE Board Exam subjects; Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering, Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering, and Structural Engineering and Construction

Mechanical Engineering

Download pdf, e-book, and reviewer for ME Board Exam subjects; Kinematics, Machine Design and Shop Machinery and Practice.

(Request) Principles of Electronic Communication Systems (Communications)

Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
by Louis Frenzel Jr.

Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 4th edition provides the most up-to-date survey available for students taking a first course in electronic communications. Requiring only basic algebra and trigonometry, the new edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded and updated material on the Internet, cell phones, and wireless technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting are integrated throughout. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed by technicians. A new Online Learning Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources for students.

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4th Edition    |     3rd Edition

(Request) Introduction to Power Electronics (Electronics)

Introduction to Power Electronics
by Denis Fewson

Building on solid state device and electromagnetic contributions to the series, this text book introduces modern power electronics, that is the application of semiconductor devices to the control and conversion of electrical power. The increased availability of solid state power switches has created a very rapid expansion in applications, from the relatively low power control of domestic equipment, to high power control of industrial processes and very high power control along transmission lines.

This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the entire range of devices and examines their applications, assuming only the minimum mathematical and electronic background. It covers a full year's course in power electronics. Numerous exercises, worked examples and self assessments are included to facilitate self study and distance learning.

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Engineering Mechanics Statics (GEAS)

Engineering Mechanics Statics
by R.C. Hibbeler

In his substantial revision of Engineering Mechanics, R.C. Hibbeler empowers students to succeed in the whole learning experience.  Hibbeler achieves this by calling on his everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn inside and outside of lecture. 

In addition to over 50% new homework problems, the twelfth edition introduces the new elements of Conceptual Problems Fundamental Problems and Mastering Engineering , the most technologically advanced online tutorial and homework system. 

Modern Electronic Communication (Communication) (Reviewer)

Modern Electronic Communication
by Jeffrey Beasley and Gary Miller

Maintaining the tradition of previous editions, this edition includes up-to-date coverage of the latest in electronic communications and concepts. The material presented reflects advancements and developments in all aspects of electronic communications such as mobile communications, satellite communications, digital signal processing and SS7 signaling. Expanded discussion of digital communications including new changes and improvements in: Mobile Communications; SS7 Signaling; Bluetooth; Wi-Max; DTV (digital television).  Completely new sections on: Wireless Security; DSP (digital signal processing); RFID; HD Radio.  A thorough and up-to-date reference for Electronic Technicians

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Numerical Methods for Engineers (Mathematics)

Numerical Methods for Engineers
by Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale

The sixth edition retains the successful instructional techniques of earlier editions. Chapra and Canale's unique approach opens each part of the text with sections called Motivation, Mathematical Background, and Orientation. 
Numerous new or revised problems drawn from actual engineering practice, many of which are based on exciting new areas such as bioengineering. The expanded breadth of engineering disciplines covered is especially evident in the problems, which now cover such areas as biotechnology and biomedical engineering. Excellent new examples and case studies span asll areas of engineering disciplines; the students using this text will be able to apply their new skills to their chosen field.

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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (Electronics)

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
by Charles Alexander and Matthew Sadiku

Alexander and Sadiku's fifth edition of Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text.
A balance of theory, worked examples and extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems for the fifth edition and robust media offerings, renders the fifth edition the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis.
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Thermodynamics 1 (GEAS)

Thermodynamics 1
by Hipolito B. Sta. Maria

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1st Edition (178 MB)   |   1st Edition optimized (6 MB) 

Control Systems Engineering (Electronics) (GEAS)

Control Systems Engineering
by Norman S. Nise

Highly regarded for its accessible writing and practical case studies, Control Systems Engineering is the most widely adopted textbook for this core course in Mechanical and Electrical engineering programs. This new sixth edition has been revised and updated with 20% new problems and greater emphasis on computer-aided design.

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Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction (GEAS)

Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction
by William D. Callister Jr. and David G. Rethwisch

Materials Science and Engineering continues to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

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Engineering Electromagnetics (Electronics) (GEAS)

Engineering Electromagnetics
by William H. Hayt Jr. and John A. Buck

Engineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts. In addition, independent learning is facilitated by the presence of many examples and problems. Important updates and revisions have been included in this edition. One of the most significant is a new chapter on electromagnetic radiation and antennas. This chapter covers the basic principles of radiation, wire antennas, simple arrays, and transmit-receive systems.

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University Physics with Modern Physics (GEAS)

University Physics with Modern Physics
by Young and Freedman

University Physics with Modern Physics , Thirteenth Edition continues to set the benchmark for clarity and rigor combined with effective teaching and research-based innovation.  

University Physics is known for its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful set of worked examples–key tools for developing both physical understanding and problem-solving skills. The Thirteenth Edition revises all the Examples and Problem-Solving Strategies to be more concise and direct while maintaining the Twelfth Edition's consistent, structured approach and strong focus on modeling as well as math. To help students tackle challenging as well as routine problems, the Thirteenth Edition adds Bridging Problems to each chapter, which pose a difficult, multi-concept problem and provide a skeleton solution guide in the form of questions and hints.

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Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (Electronics)

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
by Stan Gibilisco

The best combination self-teaching guide, home reference, and classroom text on electricity and electronics has been updated to deliver the latest advances. Great for preparing for amateur and commercial licensing exams, this guide has been prized by thousands of students and professionals for its uniquely thorough coverage ranging from DC and AC concepts to semiconductors and integrated circuits.

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Digital Signal Processing (Communications)

Digital Signal Processing
by John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis

A significant revision of a best-selling text for the introductory digital signal processing course. This book presents the fundamentals of discrete-time signals, systems, and modern digital processing and applications for students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science.The book is suitable for either a one-semester or a two-semester undergraduate level course in discrete systems and digital signal processing. It is also intended for use in a one-semester first-year graduate-level course in digital signal processing.

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Electronic Communication Systems (Communications)

Electronic Communication Systems
by Roy Blake

Now in its second edition, Electronic Communications Systems provides electronics technologists with an extraordinarily complete, accurate, and timely introduction to all of the state-of-the-art technologies used in the communications field today. Comprehensive coverage includes traditional analog systems, as well as modern digital techniques. Extensive discussion of today's modern wireless systems- including cellular, radio, paging systems, and wireless data networks- is also included. In addition, sections on data communication and the internet, high-definition television, and fiber optics have been updated in this edition to enable readers to keep pace with the latest technological advancements.

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Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Mathematics)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics
by Erwin Kreyszig

This market-leading text is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, and self contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility. The new edition continues with the tradition of providing instructors and students with a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for teaching and learning engineering mathematics, that is, applied mathematics for engineers and physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, as well as members of other disciplines.

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Digital Design (Electronics)

Digital Design
by M. Morris Mano

Digital Design, fifth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text on digital design.  This book teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications.

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5th Edition  |  4th Edition Solution's Manual   |  3rd Edition

Elementary Differential Equations (Mathematics)

Elementary Differential Equations
by Rainville and Bedient

A clear, concise book that emphasizes finding solutions to differential equations where applications play an important role. Each chapter includes many illustrative examples to assist the reader. The book emphasizes methods for finding solutions to differential equations. It provides many abundant exercises, applications, and solved examples with careful attention given to readability. Elementary Differential Equations includes a thorough treatment of power series techniques. In addition, the book presents a classical treatment of several physical problems to show how Fourier series become involved in the solution of those problems.

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Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (Electronics)

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, offers a complete, comprehensive survey, focusing on all the essentials you will need to succeed on the job. Setting the standard for nearly 30 years, this highly accurate text is supported by strong pedagogy and content that is ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field. The colorful layout with ample photographs and examples helps you better understand important topics. This text is an excellent reference work for anyone involved with electronic devices and other circuitry applications, such as electrical and technical engineers.

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Data Communications and Networking (Communications)

Data Communications and Networking
by Behrouz A. Forouzan

Data Communications and Networking is designed to help students understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. Technologies related to data communication and networking may be the fastest growing in today's culture. The appearance of some new social networking applications is a testimony to this claim. In this Internet-oriented society, specialists need to be trained to run and manage the Internet, part of the Internet, or an organization's network that is connected to the Internet. As both the number and types of students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting the material in a way that is accessible to students with little or no background in the field.

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5th Edition |  4th Edition |  4th Edition Multiple Choice Questions |  4th Edition Solution's Manual  |   4th Edition Solution's Manual - Odd Numbers Only  |   3rd Edition